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Scientific Articles

Maier R, Schack-Kirchner H, Nyoka BI, Lang F (2023) Gliricidia intercropping supports soil organic matter stabilization at Makoka Research Station, Malawi. Geoderma Regional 35: e00730

Kestel F, Wulf M, Funk R. (2023) Spatiotemporal variability of the potential wind erosion risk in Southern Africa between 2005 and 2019. Land Degradation & Development 34 2945–2960.

Makhubele  L, Chirwa PW, Sheppard JP, Tshidzumba  RP,  Araia  MG, Kahle H-P. (2022) Conservation of tree species richness in a traditional agroforestry landscape in South  Africa:  A  case  of  the  Vhembe  Biosphere  Reserve.  Forests  13(11), 1766

Griebenow S, Privett S, Strauss P, Veste M, Kleinert A., Valentine A. (2022) Soil pH influences the organic acid metabolism and exudation in cluster roots of Protea species from the Mediterranean-type Fynbos ecosystem, Western Cape, South Africa. Rhizosphere 21: 100486

Bohn Reckziegel R, Mbongo W, Kunneke A, Morhart C, Sheppard JP, Chirwa P, du Toit B, Kahle H-P. (2022) Exploring the Branch Wood Supply Potential of an Agroforestry System with Strategically Designed Harvesting Interventions Based on Terrestrial LiDAR Data. Forests 13(5):650.

Bohn Reckziegel, R., Sheppard, J.P., Kahle, HP., Larysch, E., Spiecker, H., Seifert, T., Morhart, C. (2021) Virtual pruning of 3D trees as a tool for managing shading effects in agroforestry systems. Agroforestry Systems.

Bohn Reckziegel R, Larysch E, Sheppard JP, Kahle H-P, Morhart C (2021). Modelling and comparing shading effects of 3D tree structures with virtual leaves. Remote Sensing, 13(3), 532.

Ndlovu NP, Borrass L (2021). Promises and potentials do not grow trees and crops. A review of institutional and policy research in agroforestry for the Southern African region. Land Use Policy, 103, 105298.

Sheppard JP, Bohn Reckziegel R, Borrass L, Chirwa PW, Cuaranhua CJ, Hassler SK, Hoffmeister S, Kestel F, Maier R, Mälicke M, Morhart C, Ndlovu NP, Veste M, Funk R, Lang F, Seifert T, du Toit B, Kahle H-P (2020). Agroforestry: An Appropriate and Sustainable Response to a Changing Climate in Southern Africa? Sustainability 12, 6796.

Sheppard JP, Chamberlain J, Agúndez D, Bhattacharya P, Chirwa PW, Gontcharov A, Sagona WCJ, Shen H, Tadesse W, Mutke S. (2020). Sustainable Forest Management Beyond the Timber-Oriented Status Quo: Transitioning to Co-production of Timber and Non-wood Forest Products—a Global Perspective. Current Forestry Reports 5, 161.

Publications: List

Conference Proceedings

Bohn Reckziegel R, Sheppard JP, Morhart C, Kahle H-P (2021) Shading effects of trees revealed using TLS and QSMs. SilviLaser 2021, 28 - 30 September 2021, Vienna, Austria / Online

Kestel F, Funk R, Bohn Reckziegel R, Sheppard J (2021) Evaluation of the sheltering effect of an agroforestry system on wind erosion in South Africa. Landscape 2021: diversity for sustainable and resilient agriculture 20-22 September 2021, Online

Funk R, Veste M, Kestel F, Hahn T (2021) Effects of landscape elements on spatial differences of microclimatic variables – comparison between measurements and modelling approaches. Landscape 2021: diversity for sustainable and resilient agriculture 20-22 September 2021, Online

Veste M, Grey K-A, Gottschalk N, Trachte K, Midgley GF (2021) Can shelterbelt trees reduce evapotranspiration and ecophysiological stress of grapevines? – A transcontinental experiment in the Western Cape, South Africa and Lower Lusatia, Germany. Landscape 2021: diversity for sustainable and resilient agriculture 20-22 September 2021, Online

Hoffmeister S, Bohn Reckziegel R., Kestel F, Maier R, Sheppard JP, & Hassler SK (2021). Hydrological effects of combining Italian alder and blackberry in an agroforestry system in South Africa. vEGU21 General Assembly 2021, 19-30 April 2021 (EGU21-2879)

Ndlovu NP (2021) If Agroforestry is good enough, then why is it not being truly implemented? A review of institutional and policy research in agroforestry for the Southern African region. Third International Forestry Policy Meeting (IFPM3),  Freiburg, Germany / Online, 17 – 18 March 2021

Hoffmeister S, Bohn Reckziegel R, Kestel F, Maier R, Sheppard JP, & Hassler SK (2021). Hydrological effects of combining Italian alder and blackberry in an agroforestry system in South Africa. EGU General Assembly Conference vEGU21, 19th-30th April 2021, Online.

Bohn Reckziegel R, Sheppard, JP, Morhart C, du Toit B, Kahle H-P (2020) Modelling shade cast by rows of trees using 3D models based on terrestrial laser scanning data. 9th International Conference on Functional-Structural Plant Models, 5th -9th  October 2020, Online.

Hoffmeister S, Haßler S, Mälicke M, Zehe E (2020) Estimating in-situ soil moisture dynamics from soil thermal dependencies. 22nd EGU General Assembly, 4th-8th May, 2020, id.13852, Online

Bohn Reckzeigel R, Kunneke A, Sheppard JP, Morhart C, Kahle H-P (2019) Carbon sequestration potential and wood quality aspects of southern African trees extended to agroforestry systems – an assessment through 3D data. SilviLaser. 8th - 10th October 2019, Iguazu Falls, Brazil.

Du Toit B, Little KM, da Costa D, Viero PWM, Sheppard JP, Kunneke A, Lambrechts HA, Mbongo W, Malherbe GF. (2019). Silvicultural production under climatic conditions of high-water deficit.  XXV IUFRO World Congress. 29th September – 5th October 2019, Curitiba, Brazil.

Bohn Reckziegel R, Kunneke A, Morhart C, Sheppard JP, Kahle H-P. (2019) Assessing aboveground carbon sequestration potential of trees in agroforestry systems in Southern Africa using 3D data. XXV IUFRO World Congress. 29th September – 5th October 2019, Curitiba, Brazil.

Bohn Reckziegel R, Borass L, Carr S, Chirwa P, Funk R, Hassler SK, Helmschrot J, Kahle H-P, Lang F, Maier R, Maelicke M, Morhart C, Ndlovu NP, Nyoka BI, Seifert T, Sheppard JP, Syampungani S, du Toit B, Veste M. (2019). Agroforestry in Southern Africa - new Pathways of innovative land use systems under a changing climate (ASAP). XXV IUFRO World Congress. 29th September – 5th October 2019, Curitiba, Brazil.

Sheppard JP, Bohn Reckziegel R, Borass L, Carr S, Chirwa P, du Toit B, Funk R, Hassler SK, Helmschrot J, Kahle H-P, Kleinschmit D, Lang F, Maelicke M, Maier R, Morhart C, Ndlovu NP, Nyoka BI, Seifert T, Syampungani S, Veste M. (2019). Agroforestry in Southern Africa - new Pathways of innovative land use systems under a changing climate (ASAP).  4th World Congress on Agroforestry. Agroforestry: strengthening links between science, society and policy. CIRAD, INRA, World Agroforestry, 20th – 22nd May 2019, Montpellier, France. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.24249.01121

Sheppard JP, Morhart C, Borass L, Kleinschmit D, Lang F, Maelicke M, Hassler SK, Funk R, Veste M, Seifert T, du Toit B, Chirwa P, Carr S, Syampungani S, Nyoka BI, Helmschrot J, Kahle H-P. (2018). Agroforestry in Southern Africa - new Pathways of innovative land use systems under a changing climate (ASAP). 4th National Global Change Conference. Sustainable futures through science and innovation, 3rd – 6th December 2018, Polokwane, South Africa. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.13072.46085/1

Publications: List

Reports and Guidelines

Sheppard JP, Morhart C, (2019). Agroforestry in Southern Africa - new Pathways of innovative land use systems under a changing climate (ASAP) – Project Flyer. 2pp

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